Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Noise control for Bars and nightclubs

Bars and nightclubs give people across America a place to gather, relax and be merry. Atmosphere is of utmost importance in such establishments, and can make or break a bar or nightclub’s ability to attract patrons time and time again. Variety abound in the realm of nighttime entertainment, from high energy dance clubs to casual bars promoting comfortable conversation among guests. Noise levels bleeding from bars and nightclubs can be a major concern for club owners, the communities surrounding them and alas, law enforcement. In July 2007, a new noise code took effect in New York City, imposing limits on the decibel level that may be emitted from nightclubs into neighboring homes and businesses. Whether a club owner is motivated by courtesy, retaining clientele or adhering to regulations, the elimination of excess noise is becoming a forefront concern for many in the bar and nightclub industry.

The goal in soundproofing a bar or nightclub is twofold. The first major objective is controlling the amount of noise generated by loud music and patrons that becomes audible outdoors and within neighboring homes and establishments. Additionally, club owners seek to improve the quality of acoustics experienced within their establishments.

Reducing the amount of noise that escapes a bar or nightclub involves isolating the area to better control sound transmission. Sound transmission refers to the tendency of a portion of a sound wave to pass through when it reaches a new medium, in this instance the walls, doors and ceiling of the club. Ideally, treatments aimed at reducing sound transmission would target all openings as well as each wall, ceiling, door and window of the bar or club, though improvement can be achieved without treating every means through which noise escapes. Several products are on the market for night club owners who seek to minimize sound transmission, and many can be self-installed.

One option in controlling sound transmission is to construct a second wall surface that is separated from the original, giving sound waves a space in which to collapse rather than transmit through the wall. A foundation for the second wall surface should be created through the application of a layer of soundproofing vinyl, such as dB-Bloc, to the entire wall surface. This technique adds density to the wall. The second wall surface can then be constructed by affixing a new drywall layer atop a series of horizontal furring strips. This combination of density and disconnection provides an effective remedy for sound transmission through walls.

Untreated walls are not the only medium through which sound escapes a nightclub. Windows and ceilings also provide means through which sound can escape. The need for window and ceiling treatments is determinant upon the goal of the project as well as the unique characteristics of the bar or club. For instance, specialized panels are available for treating drop grid type ceilings.

In addition to controlling sound transmission out of an establishment, many bar and night club owners wish to improve the quality of acoustics within. With the loud music and multiple conversations characteristic of bars and nightclubs, reverberations reflecting from the numerous surfaces can interfere with intended sound and diminish acoustical quality. Numerous products are available to trap excess reverberations, from foam panels to free hanging baffles to urbane suede panels in multiple colors designed to coordinate with existing décor. The appropriate treatment again depends on the goals of the project as well as the unique characteristics of each establishment, for instance the presence of low bass tones.
Because of the individualized nature of each soundproofing project, it is advised to consult with an experienced soundproofing provider prior to implementing any soundproofing treatments to ensure that all variables are addressed.

Sound barrier in Wall Construction

Construction Techniques:
Take drywall off on one side, then the joists/studding, electrical boxes inside is caulked well and our 1/4" acoustical mat is glued to the opposite inside wall and the exposed studding is covered, too. Our "Silencer" flooring (MLV) is stapled to the joists/studding, covering the ceiling/wall completely. Seams are sealed with

caulk or tape. (Lead tape improves the seam seal). For an 8' high wall, three RC-1 channels are installed horizontally over the wall, one in the middle, one at the top and bottom, located a few inches down to avoid the footer and header. Then 5/8" "firecode" drywall (this is now also available with a lead foil covering) and is laid out on sawhorses and covered with a layer of the 1/4" foam mat using contact cement and a roller. These panels are installed on the channels with screws and is supported by 2" square vibration pads located every 2 feet or so. The bottom of the drywall is caulked tight and the seams too.

Soundproofing floor/ceiling using resilient channel and acoustical mats

This diagram demonstrates a section of floor/ceiling and how a resilient channel and acoustical matting system can be applied to create a noise barrier between floors.

Sound Control

There are several different options for increasing the noise reduction qualities of interior wall systems.  It becomes most efficient when two or more of these six specific methods are used together.

Acoustical caulking, Sound Control Insulation, Double Layers of Drywall, Resilient Channels-Soundclips, Staggered stud construction, Double wall Construction, Soundboard/ Wonderboard.

Here is a quick table that demonstrates the STC values of a variety of different construction types and the improvements in noise reduction provided by different sound control options.

 Type of Construction

 STC Value


 Studs/ Drywall/ No Caulking

 30 (MAX)

 1 (baseline)

 All remaining Types include Caulking



 Studs- Drywall



 Studs- Double Drywall One Side



 Studs- Drywall-Sound Control Insulation



 Studs- Double Drywall One Side - SC Insulation



 Studs- Drywall- Resilient Channels



 Studs- Double Drywall One Side -Resilient Channels



 Studs- Drywall- Resilient Channels -SC Insulation



 Staggered Studs- Drywall- SC Insulation



 Studs-Double Drywall 1side-Res Channel-SC Insul.



 Staggered Studs-Double Drywall 1Side-SC Insul.



 Double Wall- Double Sound Control Insulation




Remember that STC values are based on the number of decibels of transmitted sound reduced by the wall. Just as a 50 dB sound is four times louder than a 30 dB sound, a 50 STC wall is four times quieter than a 30 STC wall.