Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sound Control

There are several different options for increasing the noise reduction qualities of interior wall systems.  It becomes most efficient when two or more of these six specific methods are used together.

Acoustical caulking, Sound Control Insulation, Double Layers of Drywall, Resilient Channels-Soundclips, Staggered stud construction, Double wall Construction, Soundboard/ Wonderboard.

Here is a quick table that demonstrates the STC values of a variety of different construction types and the improvements in noise reduction provided by different sound control options.

 Type of Construction

 STC Value


 Studs/ Drywall/ No Caulking

 30 (MAX)

 1 (baseline)

 All remaining Types include Caulking



 Studs- Drywall



 Studs- Double Drywall One Side



 Studs- Drywall-Sound Control Insulation



 Studs- Double Drywall One Side - SC Insulation



 Studs- Drywall- Resilient Channels



 Studs- Double Drywall One Side -Resilient Channels



 Studs- Drywall- Resilient Channels -SC Insulation



 Staggered Studs- Drywall- SC Insulation



 Studs-Double Drywall 1side-Res Channel-SC Insul.



 Staggered Studs-Double Drywall 1Side-SC Insul.



 Double Wall- Double Sound Control Insulation




Remember that STC values are based on the number of decibels of transmitted sound reduced by the wall. Just as a 50 dB sound is four times louder than a 30 dB sound, a 50 STC wall is four times quieter than a 30 STC wall.

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